The Yamashita Egi-OH Live is the standard of Yamashita squid jigs, working this darting jig is made easy. "Warm Jacket" featured, plus 490 Glow & Neon Bright UV Body
The Warm Jacket cloth is designed to keep the jig at the same temperature as a live bait fish. Research shows the squid see the bait almost like The Predator did in the movies, so having the correct warm glow will convince the squid it's a real fish/creature.
The 490 Glow, this statement is from the Yamashita site: Research shows the best wavelength of visible light for squid is 490nm. This is a tuned glow of 490nm which YAMASHITA discovered with the research from a leading Japanese university is the best glow color for the squids eyes to detect.
"Glow of 490nm wavelength is most perceivable for squid."
Length: 12cm
Weight: 21g
Red Stripe on belly is a nice touch on this jig and has a full body glow